Ultraflex Sealant
One component elastic adhesive polymer of new gen- eration (modified silane). Product of high initial tack and fast cure. High mechanical properties. High hard- ness and high bonding strength. Exempt of silicones, isocyanates and solvents. Chemically neutral.
Specially formulated to work where high bonding strength and fast cross linking is required. Works both indoor and outdoor.
Sealing with elastic bonding with high initial tack. Product of high modulus suitable for sealing and bonding with high adhesive strength as windshields, galvanized sheets, ferrous or non-fer- rous metals.
It has excellent adhesion to concrete, wood, brick, natural or artificial stone, ceramics, glass, met- als: aluminium, iron, zinc, galvanized, etc., most thermoplastics (except polyethylene or Teflon).
Resistant to ageing, weather, temperature and ozone good performance against chemical agents.